International Symposium on Volcano Monitoring for Immediate Action Against Disaster at Mount Fuji Research Institute, Yamanashi, Japan

One of the lecturers from Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Udayana (Unud), Alvin Yesaya, S.T.M.Eng , delivered the presentation on International Symposium on Volcano Monitoring for Immediate Action Against Disaster at Mount Fuji Research Institute (MFRI), Yamanashi, Japan on 4th March 2024. This event held by MFRI regarding the grassroots project of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with title “Building a Disaster-Resistant Community through the Utilisation of Local Universities as a Base for Responding to Low Frequency, Large-Scale Disasters” from 2022 to 2025. As part of the collaboration project between MFRI, NPO Volcano UGM for “Astungkara Giri Agung Aman / Community Capacity Building Project in Mount Agung resident”, Universitas Udayana as the eldest University in Bali have an important role to give education of disaster mitigation and resilience for local resident especially in Disaster Prone Areas.

There are 5 speakers on the symposium. First is Dr. Kazuya Yamakawa from the Mount Fuji Research Institute (MFRI) talked about “Volcanic Infrasound Observation for Quick Detection of Eruption Vents,” to conduct early detection of volcanic activity by utilizing sound where affordable than seismic monitoring. Second is Dr Wiwit Suryanto from UGM discussing “Efforts towards Maintaining Volcano Monitoring Stations through Local Universities in Indonesia” emphasizing the crucial role of local university to monitor and develop technology for volcano activities. After that, Mr. Alvin presentation on “Preliminary Analysis Mount Agung Check Dam Construction for Disaster Mitigation, shared the importance and existing condition of Sabo Dam after eruption Mount Agung in 2017. Sabo Dams are usually built in the upstream areas of mountain to accumulate and control flow of sediment especially for trapping the lava. It is also important infrastructure to protect local resident from cold-lava flood. It is often described as volcanic mudflow which lava containing rocks and volcanic ash carried by rainfall in the river. Learning from the past experience of eruption, constructing numbers of Sabo Dam is necessary. Later, Mr. Suta Wijaya as chair of the Bali Province Disaster Risk Reduction Forum shared the volunteering activities to educate teacher and student regarding the hazard of natural disaster in Bali. The last presenter is Mr, Keigo Fujimaki from Education Centre at Kawaguchiko Town, Yamanashi Prefecture talked about “Mt.Fuji Education Program in Town of Fujikawaguchiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. He shared the development of disaster mitigation curriculum for primary school in Fujikawaguchiko town in collaboration with teachers, researchers, and education agencies.

This event of collaboration between international institution, local universities, and local community are crucial factors to build disaster resilience on local people as depicted in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. We hope this activity may bring benefits to develop the researches and actions of disaster-resistant societies for the future generations.